Doping control rules

Doping control rules

The Purpose of These Rules

In the interest of the Greyhound Racing Sport on the Continent the CGRC supports drug free racing for the welfare of the greyhounds, an even playing field for the competitors, a reliable genetic pool for the breeders and the betting credibility for the gamblers.

The Drug Rule

A racing greyhound must not be given any chemical, medicine or substance capable of affecting the speed, stamina, courage and conduct of a greyhound. Ordinary food and nutrients which are fed by the mouth are excluded from this rule.

If a racing greyhound is given medicine or chemical due to illness, injury, weakened general well-being or other veterinary reason, the minimum withdrawal period is 4 days (96 hours) after the last treatment before the greyhound can start in a race. A racing greyhound must then be fully recovered and fit for racing.

Corticosteroidal hormones and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (the NSAID group = painkillers) and/or antibiotics must only be administered by a veterinary surgeon during illness and/or injury. Treatment during this period must be administered no later than 12 days (288 hours) prior to a race.

Anabolic steroids and/or androgenic hormones must only be administered by a veterinary surgeon during illness and/or injury. Treatment during this period must be administered no later than 30 days (720 hours) prior to a race.

It is the dog owner's responsibility to seek veterinary advice on the withdrawal periods after any medical treatment to a racing greyhound. The dog owner must be prepared to give a full account of the medical history of a racing greyhound to the track veterinarian at request.

Doping Tests

The CGRC reserves the right and has the authority to decide when and where doping tests will take place. The track veterinarian and persons authorised by the CGRC and the race organizer of a CGRC racing event have the right to arrange doping tests. The CGRC and the race organizers of a CGRC racing event can order random doping tests for any CGRC racing event.

The equipement for sample taking, sealing and delivery of the samples must be available at every CGRC racing event.

The track veterinarian and a steward representing the race organizers will act as the supervisors or the test taking procedure , where two samples of any tested dog will be taken. 

The CGRC  must immediately be given notice when a doping test has been taken at a CGRC racing event. The CGRC  must be informed on all test results (positive and negative).

A refusal of a doping test will be regarded as a positive test result.

All expenses of a positive doping test are paid by the dog owner. Other doping tests are paid by the race organizer acting on behalf of the CGRC.

Veterinary Jury

When a positive doping test result is given, a veterinary jury will be consulted for a written medical statement of the case.

Violation of the Doping Control Rules

A positive doping test result or default on obeying the given withdrawal periods can lead to following penalties:

  • disqualification
  • return of prize money to race organizers
  • time-related suspension
  • suspension for life

This rules shall be valid as of (date): January 1st. 2019