racing rules
Purpose of these rules:
The purpose of these rules is the regulation of CGRC competitions within the member countries of the CGRC and it is agreed to create an international standard on the Continent. They are binding all members of the CGRC.
Age and qualifications of greyhounds for racing:
1. A Greyhound under the age of fifteen (15) calendar months shall not be eligible to compete in a race.
A greyhound under the age of eighteen (18) months shall not compete in longdistance races.
A greyhound under the age of twentyfor (24) months shall not compete in marathon races.
A greyhound between 5 and 7 years of age is a "veteran". Races for veterans cannto be carried out on long or marathon distances, older dogs can participate only with vet. certificate.
· The age of a greyhound shall be reckoned as beginning on the first day of the month in which it was whelped.
· A greyhound shall be considered a puppy for a period of 2 years from and including the month of whelping. (Greyhound born 01/2010,month 0, is puppy from 03/2011 - 01/2012 incl.)
· A greyhound shall be considered a veteran between 5 and 7 years from and including the month of whelping. (Greyhound born 01/2010 is veteran from 01/2015 -01/2017 incl.)
· A greyhounds age cannot change during a competition that takes place over several days. Decisive is the age at the first racing day.
2. A greyhound shall not be entered for or compete in a race until:
a. it has been registered in Greyhound Stud Book.
b. its identity card / racing book has been completed and sealed by a racing manager or an official of the national organisation in the owners home country.
c. in any case in which it is by these rules or by conditions of a race or sweepstake declared disqualified.
d. it has been vaccinated according to veterinary regulations of the country, where the competition takes place.
3. To identify a greyhound it shall either be tatooed or have a michrochip implanted.
4. The ID-card / racing book shall be issued by the national organisation and shall follow the greyhound all the time.
5. Only the racing manager or his substitute (the racing secretary) can fill in the results in the racing book.
6. Only greyhounds with a valid racing licence issued by the national organisation, which is a member of the CGRC or issued by partners (IGB / GBGB) are allowed to compete in international CGRC competitions.
Breaks between the rounds of the same competition:
If an international CGRC competition takes place over several days and more than two rounds, there shall be the following breaks between different rounds for the same greyhound:
· sprint and middle distance: one day of rest
· long distance two days of rest
· marathon distance three days of rest
Numberjacket and muzzle:
A muzzle and a clean coloured, numbered sheet as approved by the CGRC is worn by every greyhound competing in a international CGRC competition. The colours of the numbered sheets shall be as follows:
1 |
Red |
4 |
Black |
2 |
Blue |
5 |
Orange |
3 |
White |
-6- |
White & Black Stripes |
All muzzles approved by the Irish ,English, American and Australien authorities and the CGRC are admitted. If an organiser of an international CGRC competition does not accept all muzzles or jackets mentioned under this paragraph, it has to be clearly stated on the inscription form and the organiser have to make sure, that the material demanded for is at disposal ot the competing greyhounds at the track.
For reasons of security of the greyhounds it is not allowed to modify muzzles in a way that the modification impairs the stability of the muzzle.
The starter shall walk in front of the dogs. The dogs and the handlers shall walk in a line with a distance between the dogs as decided by the starter. They shall parade in front of the public. After the parade the handlers shall walk the dogs to a specific area. The handler shall be able to control the dogs.
Draw, classification and seeding:
1. The draw for trap places, at which the public may be present, shall be made at the time and place designated by the racing manager. Where there are five runners, trap 4 shall be vacant; where there are four runners, traps 2 and 5 shall be vacant; where there are tree runners, traps 1, 3 and 5 shall be vacant; where there are two runners, traps 1, 3, 5 and 6 shall be vacant.
2. A greyhound classified as a wide runner in any race indicated on the racecard and published in the programme by a "W" against its name or against the trap number shall be a greyhound which in the opinion of the racing manager is best suited to start outside runners not so classified. The racing manager may classify a greyhound as an inside runner (I) and as a middle runner (M).
Withdrawing of a greyhound:
Every owner, trainer or person that takes care of an entered greyhound shall be allowed to withdraw his greyhound(s) from the competition due the following reasons:
· The owner, trainer or responsible person is not able to join the meeting. In such case the racing manager or person in charge of the inscription has to be advised in written, by fax or phone as soon as the reasons for not joining the competition are known. If there is no message to the mentioned persons, the promoter has the right to charge the entry fee.
· Any reasons in connection with health problems of a greyhound (e.g. illness or injury). Such greyhounds have to be presented to the veterinary.
· Any other reasons have to be discussed with the racing manager who finally decides about the withdrawing of a greyhound.
1. A greyhound race track is an oval sand track with an inside artificial hare.
2. The start boxes may either be stationary or movable and have either 6 or 8 compartments.
3. There shall be facilities for veterinary surgeon, judge, starter, racing manager, stewards, haredriver, timekeeper and other officials needed.
4. Race tracks with betting shall have approved facilities for the tote and the staff.
5. For international CGRC competitions a track shall be approved by the CGRC .
6. Any distance between 250m and 450m is a sprint distance (short distance).
Any distance between 451m and 550m is a middle distance (classic).
Any distance between 551m and 750m is a stayer distance (long distance).
Any distance between 751m and 1000m is a marathon distance. The 1000m is the maximum distance of any race. Only dogs of more than 24 months and with long distance form shall be allowed to start in a marathon.
1. Should a raced greyhound in the opinion of the jury be deemed to have fought in a race, such greyhound shall be suspended and its racing book impounded and marked
"Disq. / suspended for fighting till...........(date)" .
2. Suspensions:
1st disqualification: no suspension, but no reinstatement unless the greyhound has run two clearance trials**
2nd disqualification: one month* of suspension, plus two clearance trials**
3rd disqualification: suspension for life
* a month its counted with the effective days (i.e. 30 or 31 days)
** It shall be open to the owner / trainer to have the clearance trials at an approved CGRC track near his residence
1. The term "fighting" shall refer to the aggressive interference by a greyhound with one or more greyhounds during a race.
2. Where a greyhound wins or placed in an eliminating heat of a Classic, Feature Event or sweepstake but is subsequently suspended or disqualified, the next greyhound in that particular heat shall go forward to the subsequent round or rounds.
Officials and veterinary surgeon:
1. The following officials shall be appointed for every greyhound race track, namely: Jury - Judge, Stewards . Racing Manager, Veterinary Surgeon, Starter, Haredriver, Timekeeper.
The race track management shall be responsible, that all these officials are present at the track during the whole competition and their names shall be published in the racing program. Jury is not allowed to do his work in single races, where he /family/ has a runner (must be changed for this single race/s to other judge).
2. If an official is, due to personal reasons (accident, illness etc.), not able to join the meeting, the racing manager shall be informed immediately after the official got knowledge of the prevention.
3. Every complaint against an official shall be made to the jury, clearly stating the reasons of complaint.
Jury & Judge:
1. The judge shall occupy the judge's box for the duration of each race of a meeting. The distance, number and time of at least the winning greyhound as well as the order of finish of the other competitors shall be publicly announced.
2. The result of a race shall be the order in which the noses of the competing greyhounds reach the winning line as decided by the judge following any necessary consultation with the stewards of the meeting.
3. The winning greyhound shall be the greyhound whose nose in the opinion of the judge first reached the winning line, provided that such a greyhound duly completed the courses.
4. Every greyhound which has been placed in the starting box shall be deemed to have started provided such starting box has no mechanical defect.
5. A greyhound shall be deemed to come under starter's orders when it has been placed in the starting box.
6. If the judge calls for a photo-finish at for any reason a photo-finish print cannot be obtained or is indecipherable, the result of the race shall be decided by the jury and decision shall be final and the following announcement shall be made over the loudspeakers: "For technical reasons, the result cannot be ascertained by photo-finish print. The judge's decision is .....". If the race is stopped (technical problem , welfare) and rerun is not possible and 2/3 of the race distance has been run, jury have an option to declare the result.
7. The jury decision in relation to a race shall be final.
8. Jury may declare NO RACE only in the following circumstances:
a. where there is a mechanical or either defect of the hare equipment or starting box or any outside interference with the race (a greyhound turning back the track does not necessarily constitute interference),
b. if any of the dogs fights, and as a consequence, all fail to pursue the hare, or
c. if for any other reason all dogs fail to pursue the hare.
Racing manager:
1. The racing manager shall have in his possession a list of warned-off persons and shall not allow any greyhound owned, trained or in care of a such person to start for a race or a trial.
2. The racing manager and the paddock steward shall ensure, that all greyhounds are weighed in.
3. The racing manager shall not permit any greyhound to compete in a race, unless this a greyhound's racing book is handed over to him, at least at time of weighed in.
4. The racing manager shall ensure in the case of an unraced greyhound, that such a greyhound cannot participate in an CGRC competition without a registered trial or national race.
5. It shall be the duty of the racing manager to ensure, that the racing circuit is maintained in a proper an safety way.
Every greyhound that is entered for an international CGRC competition can be pre - race checked by the veterinary surgeon. If in the opinion of the veterinary a greyhound shall, due to medical reasons, not compete in the race, it is his duty to refuse this greyhound. His decision is final and has to be accepted.
The fee for the veterinary has to be paid by the promoting track, but any treatment of a greyhound has to be charged to the owner / trainer or the person that takes care of the greyhound.
Where the startbox is manually operated, starter shall ideally open, when the hare is at the same line as startbox and max 10 m in front of it.
1. The haredriver shall take his orders from and be responsible to the racing manager and no one else other than the stewards of the meeting shall have any contact with him while he is on duty and he shall not leave the control tower during the meeting without the consent of the racing manager.
2. It shall be the duty of the haredriver to set the hare in motion when directed by the starter. He shall accelerate the hare to racing speed and drive it with regard to the following subjects:
· The hare has to be driven in racing speed before and when passing the traps.
· The hare has to be driven between 10m - 20m in front of the leading greyhound.
· The dogs have to be stopped in a proper way to reduce the risk of injuries and avoid unnecessary collisions.
The timekeeper shall time each race and trial and for this purpose shall be provided with electronic timing system (e.g. video, photo-finish, stopwatch can be used as reserve).
Stewards of the meeting:
There shall be as many appointed stewards to observe the races as necessary for the proper holding of the competition (min. 2). The paddock steward is responsible that all greyhounds are at time in the paddock area and controls the equipment of the competing greyhounds.
Controlling authority:
The jury and the racing manager constitute the controlling authority of a meeting. The decisions of the controlling authority in case of doubt or dispute are definitive and binding.
International CGRC Competitions:
An international CGRC - Competition is an event, that takes place under these rules, is approved by the CGRC with an invitation for entries published in English one month before the meeting and containing entry fee, last day of entry and method (phone ,E-Mail), time of heats and finals, distances, number of entries (bitches, dogs, mixed), limitations ,name of the meeting, races, etc. All information shall be sent to the board and official CGRC web and FB site . CGRC official race can be run with minimum of three dogs. Track records are approved with minimum of four dogs in race. CGRC bodies resolve details of the CGRC Classics races . National members federations may issue guest licences for dogs / owners from other countries esp. where no CGRC member federation.
Doping / Doping tests:
With regards to the "International Doping Control Rules of the CGRC" any kind of doping, this means substances given to a greyhound affecting its performances in any way are forbidden.Suppression of season in bitches with products based on norethisteron are allowed , based on testosterone are forbidden.
Wherever an CGRC competition takes place, the CGRC can decide to arrange doping tests.
Prize money / other prizes:
The level of prize money for CGRC competitions is the promoters duty (min. fund is summe of all entry fees). The prize money shall be paid after the race, during the honoration of the greyhounds. Beside of the prize money each winner shall get a winners jacket printed on with "Name of Race, Year,place" (e.g. European Champion, 280m, 1997, (track name).
The results of every CGRC competition have to be published by national organisations.
Any liability of the CGRC, the promoter or it's officials or any persons in charge of the promoter for accidents occuring to any persons or greyhounds during a competition is excluded.
Every entry of a greyhound for an international CGRC Competition shall be subject to:
a. these rules
b. the international Doping Control Rules
c. any condition of entry which may be made by the CGRC bodies
CGRC Racing rules – adaptions for Whippets:
Whippets under 12months of age are not allowed to take part in official races. Whippets
under 18months of age are not allowed to take part in long distance races. Whippets from 6years
of age are defined as veterans and may take part in official veteran races until the age of 8years
inclusive. Maximum allowed weight is 19.99kg.
Distances: Races for Whippets from 60m to 250m are defined as SPRINT races for Whippets
from 251m to 400m are defined as MIDDLE DISTANCE and races for Whippets from 401m to
550m are defined as LONG DISTANCE.
Break between races: Whippets may complete 2 races a day if there is a break of minimum
4hours between them.
Grade or weight categories can be used - OPEN TO ALL WHIPPETS WITH
National federations may issue quest lincences for whippets esp. from not member countries.
Standard categories and schedule for CGRC races:
schedule : ¼ finals / ½ finals / finals & consolations and special races for eliminated in the first
round - called EC Invitation race (could be also with semi and finals/consolations)
280m bitches
280m dogs
280m veterans & puppy , mixed or dogs / bitches
280m lightweight (-13,5kg) mixed
If there will be tendency for decent number of entries (2 semis) - longer distances , weight categories and lower grade races are possible.
-13kg bitches / open bitches
-15kg dogs / open dogs